
Journalism 和 Media Studies BA

Work alongside seasoned media professionals 和 gain real-world experience in UNC’s Journalism 文学学士 degree program. Here, you’ll use the state-of-the-art news writing center, featuring the latest software technology for writing, editing 和设计. The program also features a cutting-edge TV studio, where you’ll produce 和 direct student newscasts, 和 with internship opportunities you’ll write news for the local paper or work behind-the-scenes at a local TV station.

H和s-On Experience, Mentorship 和 Networking

At UNC, you’ll find a diverse, collaborative learning environment, led by highly accessible 和 supportive instructors who bring real-world journalism experience to the classroom. 访问ing journalist-in-residence professors regularly teach in the program, 和 small class sizes offer close mentorship by faculty. Plus you’ll have opportunities to network with local journalism professionals 和 participate in a variety of student media-related clubs, making contacts 和 gaining skills that will help launch your career.


B.A. in Journalism 和 Media Studies

Gain critical skills 和 h和s-on experience in reporting, writing, editing 和 producing news for print, broadcast 和 the Web. You'll graduate prepared to work in a wide variety of news organizations, including TV 和 radio stations, online news publications, newspapers 和 magazines.




The 18-credit Media Studies minor focuses on the social 和 cultural aspects of media 和 includes classes such as Introduction to Journalism 和 Mass Communications 和 Impact of Mass Communications on Society.



Where have recent Journalism students interned?

"The JMC program helped me build the skills I need for a career in the industry. 同时, because of the small class sizes, I received the individual attention I needed to 理解内容. Most importantly, I was able to build personal relationships with my instructors 和 peers. My favorite thing about the program is that it allows each student’s unique skills 和 talents to shine. ”

– Mollie Lane, Journalism-公共关系 & 广告媒体

  • 世界时装之苑 magazine, New York (production assistant)
  • 格里利市论坛报 (reporting 和 editing, including video editing)
  • 生驱车 (报告)
  • Denver TV stations including CW2, KCNC-CBS4 和 Fox31 (news 和 production)

你的未来 in Journalism

UNC’s Journalism program offers diverse learning opportunities designed to prepare you for an evolving job market.

Consider UNC's Journalism 和 Media Studies B.A. 如果你想:

  • Pursue a career in mass communications
  • Explore different types of media
  • Work with new technologies


  • Writing, editing 和设计
  • 摄影及录像
  • Media planning 和 research
  • 大众传播法
  • Proper citation 和 professional ethics
  • Critical thinking 和 people skills


  • Introduction to Journalism 和 Media Studies
  • 广告文案
  • 公共关系
  • Impact of Mass Media on Society
  • 皇冠app安卓下载安装编辑与排版
  • 市场营销

Where can your degree take you?

Cover world events for a major newspaper or TV network. Work on radio as a newscaster 或者体育记者. Or put your creative skills to use in the fields of marketing, advertising 和 public relations. A bachelor’s degree in Journalism from UNC will open up worlds of professional possibilities, including:

  • Television news anchor/reporter
  • 多媒体编辑器
  • 广告文案
  • 艺术 和 entertainment critic
  • Designer for online or print publications
  • Sports information director
  • Freelance writer or editor


Study abroad in such places as Ecuador, UK, Mexico, Spain, Icel和, Germany, New Zeal和 和韩国. We offer hundreds of study abroad programs in more than 60 countries around 世界. Learn about study abroad opportunities..

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